Sunday, November 24, 2013

So we decided to add a new member to our little family!

For a while now Eric has been going back and forth on trying to decide between getting some lion dogs/hounds or just a regular dog. We thought that maybe we would get an older dog that has been a regular tree dog and has experience and then get a pup and train it under that older dog but we weren't sure that we wanted to whole hound dog chorus at our house all the time. :) Granted the Fox and the Hound is a pretty cute show and a classic!! :) So some of our good friends had some Black Mouth Cur pups and they gave us one. They are basically a cow dog but our friend used them as Coyote decoys as well and he said they would track too if you trained them.
So Eric picked one out and brought her home. She is pretty tiny but will be fun to train and see what she becomes. We named her J.C. She is pretty rowdy and lots of energy of course. I can't wait to start her on the sheds and maybe even bobcats? I guess we will see. I am pretty sure she barked herself hoarse the other night because she just squeaks now and has been pretty quiet all day. :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

So the fishing begins!!

We are by no means any expert fisherman like the famous Ashley Bonser, but we don't have to be. Even though the ice hasn't touched the water yet, we are still managing to pull those ling-a-dings out one after another. They even seem to put up more of a fight because they water temp hasn't dropped below 40 yet and no ice. It always amazes me the different patterns and colors that each one has and the sizes too. Just a few pics from the last harvest Eric and I had. Not bad for one night. I love the sunsets on the lake, especially right now because you can usually catch the moon peaking up early too.