So turning 25 feels like another day - except the next day after, I rolled over to turn my alarm clock off and get up to get ready for work and I literally felt OLDER!.... Okay that was probably the fact that I have been doing "Insanity" and my limbs aren't as limber as they used to be. More and more I find myself doing things or saying things my mother does... but truly I am my fathers daughter!!! Just the other night we were joking about my cooking skills and my mom says I get that from her, ex: "Hey mom were these green beans in the microwave for dinner?" or as someone is doing the dishes and dries and stacks the Tupperware on the stove and then.... oops burner got left on or was still a little too hot and we just put another brand in the bowl. Yup it happens and I am pretty sure that all of us Girls have done it!! My sisters and I always joke when we do something that our parents do and then we make fun of each other but honestly that is why we love them!!! Dad- he has taught me so much this past year and I hope that I can take that attribute further in my life. He has always been the quite one and I guess he had to be with a bunch of women around. But he is strong and when someone he loves or cares about is hurt or being attacked he stands up and he in my eyes has become the superhero in my "child's" eyes. He has taught me several things growing up but this past year a lot of those things have been put to a whole new meaning. Math was never my strong suite and it was always a Love-Hate relationship for me but he was patient and helped me the best he could and he was good at it. Now doing math is still love/hate but a bit more love than hate and teaching the kids at school has been easier because I have learned to be patient with them. Mom - she really is a good cook and I hope to be at least half the women she is when I am older and love my husband just as much as she loves my dad. I have learned from both my parents to love and will do my best to raise our family like they did theirs. I can't say who I got the crazy goofball talents from but I think my sisters can attest to the fact that I was the one who was the life of the family... :) And maybe the one who gave my parents the most gray hair?.... :) I have the best examples to look back upon clear down the family tree!!! So when my Birthday came I felt I should really be saying "Happy Birthday" to my Parents because they gave me this life and have taught me more than a parent could and I am ready to live the next Quarter of my life with a strong spirit and put those talents both given and learned to the best use that they have taught me. I truly have the best family in the world!!!