This was Valerie's ling-first fish of the night!!!

Bob's new fishing pole!!! :)

These pictures are from last year, pretty ugly looking fish but we all want them out of our waters!!

I saw a sticker the other day that said, "When hell freezes over, I'll fish there too!" It made me laugh!! We have been out a few times and caught 17 ling and flashlight the first night...then the next time 25 and then on Wed we caught about 10. They were all pretty small ones until the third time we went out and then we caught a good 4 or 5 bigger ones. I say a flashlight because Bob came with us on that night and got a little hungry and when he was digging for food, he dropped his $25.00 flashlight straight down the hole. Oh he tried to save it I might add but is sank pretty fast and soon enough it was sitting "light" side up about 25 feet down. Out side the hut it seriously looked like the lost city Atlantis under water!! We could see the jig and thought that we could catch something, and bob was determined to get his flashlight back. Eric and I thought he was S.O.L but after about an hour and a half and about 12 lead jigheads, some rope, some wire, and a set of sockets, Bob pulled out his idea of fishing for ling. We couldn't believe it!!! True story!!! Makes a great story for a fish tale!!!!
The other night we took a few people out and valerie caught the first fish but she wouldn't have anything to do with it afterwards... I couldn't even get here to hold it up for a picture and then this is as close as I could get her to stand by it. She was a trooper though because it got cold that night with a little breeze, and she stayed out there to help me check poles, jig'em every so often and charge the jigs.